Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases (Tort Cases) Make Up Only 5 Percent of all Civil Cases
MYTH: Personal injury claimants and their lawyers clog up our courtrooms.
FACT: According to the National Center for State Courts, tort cases only make up 5 percent of the civil caseload. A majority of civil cases involve big business suing big business and are based in contract related claims and have nothing to do with personal injury claims. Also of interest is the fact that while tort cases are on the DECLINE, the number of big business contract cases ROSE 63 percent between 1999 and 2008.
Of course, when it comes to scare tactics, big corporations would prefer that you believe it’s the other way around. So much so that they spend tens of millions of dollars a year to spread misinformation through political ads and lobbyist designed to strip the average American of his or her civil rights. Why do they do this? In most cases, the simple answer is simple. The desire to put profits above people. And that’s not OK!